Auto­mated solu­tions for dosing & weighing

Verpackungsmaschine Saatgut Gekupack

Seeds & Grains

Seeds and grains can be packed in a wide variety of packages with our machines. The flex­ib­ility of the machines is of great importance to us, because several seeds with dif­ferent physical prop­erties may have to be packaged with one machine.


We not only supply indi­vidual com­ponents and machines, but also design com­plete, highly auto­mated systems for our cus­tomers. This includes, for example, material transport via belts or dosing screws, mixing systems and weighing or counting machines, right up to pack­aging machines.

Nuts & Coffee Beans

With our machines and systems, various powdery or granular products can be dosed and packaged. Classic examples of applic­a­tions are nuts and coffee beans in addition to con­ven­tional seeds for the agri­cul­tural or garden sector.


If dif­ferent seeds with special mixing ratios are to be packed, then we use our round head weighers. In this way, we can guar­antee our cus­tomers that indi­vidual com­pos­i­tions can be adhered to.

Mandeln, Almond, Nüsse, Nuesse, Zählen, Mischen, Verpacken, Verpackungsmaschine