Laying Machine GKV 4012

The GKV 4012 placer is designed to automate the por­tioning as well as the placement of products such as fat balls in tray packs. The machine is com­pleted with a hori­zontal folw pack machine to form an auto­mated system.

Auflegemaschine GKV 4012 Gekupack
8 Meisenknödel in kompostierbarer Schale platziert mit Auflegemaschine GKV 4012 - Gekupack Verpackungstechnik
Schalenverpackung automatisierte Verpackungsmaschine Gekupack Aufleger GK 4012
6 Meisenknödel in kompostierbarer Schale platziert mit Auflegemaschine GKV 4012 Gekupack® Verpackungstechnik
More Inform­ation

The GKV 4012 was developed to increase the degree of auto­mation of pack­aging lines and thus work towards com­pet­itive pro­duction despite increasing per­sonnel expenses. The placer was developed using fat balls as an example, which are por­tioned by the line into units of 4 (2 × 2), 6 (2 × 3) or 8 (2 × 4) as required and placed in an infeed con­veyor. The products can also be placed in indi­vidual trays. The trays can be placed auto­mat­ically by an optional tray dis­penser on the chain con­veyor. The high per­formance of the placement machine rep­resents another sig­ni­ficant step towards unmanned pro­duction and means that short amort­isation times can be expected.


The product is fed via a belt con­veyor that fills the left or right dust hopper depending on the material requirement. The dump­lings are then sep­arated by integ­rated counting machines and dis­charged above the tray. The machine pro­grammes are indi­vidually created and tailored to your needs, so that special requests can also be realised.


Due to the dif­ferent material prop­erties of the tray packs (e.g. poly­styrene, card­board, hard paper, etc.), sep­arate pro­grammes must be installed for each tray type and pack size.


The GKV 4012 is designed for auto­matic por­tioning and placing of fat balls in packs of 4, 6 or 8. Depending on the require­ments, the dump­lings can also be placed in trays.


Although the laying machine was developed using fat balls as an example, it can also be used for pack­aging in other product seg­ments. Depending on the require­ments of the product, mech­anical, pneu­matic, elec­trical and control adjust­ments can be made so that the machine is also suitable for more sens­itive products. 


Please feel free to contact us if you are inter­ested in an indi­vidual special solution according to your needs.

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