Passion for indi­vidual pack­aging solutions

Our expertise is based on over 30 years of exper­ience in the field of pack­aging tech­nology and we are your contact when it comes to innov­ative pack­aging solu­tions and cus­tomer-ori­ented ser­vices. We want to ensure your long-term success with our solutions. 


Gekupack® Ver­pack­ung­s­technik GmbH

GK Indus­tries GmbH was founded in 1989 in Norderstedt near Hamburg as a company of the Kum­mer­feldt Group and operated under the name Gekupack Ver­pack­ung­s­technik GmbH until the turn of the mil­lennium. The port­folio ini­tially com­prised auto­matic net clippers, net sewing machines and equipment for pack­aging fruit and vegetables. 

First trade fair exhibition
Exhibitor at the Interpack

For the first time in our company history, we were rep­res­ented at a trade fair with our own stand and presented our pack­aging solutions.

Devel­opment of the ultra­sonic net welding machine
Focus on ultra­sonic net sealing machines

Gekupack Ver­pack­ung­s­technik GmbH was already ahead of the times in the early years and developed the first net pack­aging machine with ultra­sonic tech­nology. As a result, the business branch with net clipping machines was spun off from the company. This meant that sus­tainable, species-pure net pack­aging without metal clips could be guar­anteed even back then.

ISO 9001
First cer­ti­fic­ation according to ISO 9001

In 1997, our quality man­agement system was cer­tified according to ISO 9001 for the first time within the Kum­mer­feldt Group.

Change of name
Change of name to GK Indus­tries GmbH

The expansion of business activ­ities into other business areas res­ulted in the change of name to GK Indus­tries GmbH with the registered trademark Gekupack®, which today enjoys an excellent repu­tation worldwide due to its cus­tomer-ori­ented approach and innov­ative strength.

Trusted Partner of High Dream Machine
Beginning of a long-standing partnership 
10 Years Partnership with High Dream Machine Multi Head Weigher

In 2010, after a visit to China, we started an intensive part­nership with one of the world’s largest man­u­fac­turers of mul­tihead weighers, which con­tinues to this day.

Plant Engin­eering
Expansion of the range of services

In order to meet the wishes of many cus­tomers to have com­plete systems planned and imple­mented from a single source, we now no longer only man­u­facture indi­vidual machines, but also design indi­vidual systems and install them together with our partners. 

Pat­enting of a net extraction technique

Fol­lowing a cus­tomer enquiry, we developed a special net take-off using the example of pack­aging in bionets with the GKV 6800 and applied for a patent for the invention in 2009. The patent was finally granted in 2015.

Corona pan­demic
Start of the Corona Pandemic

In the spring of 2020, the corona virus kept the world on ten­ter­hooks and no one knew where it was all going. Lock­downs and serious eco­nomic turmoil fol­lowed, which we for­tu­nately weathered well with a booming order book.

New Loc­ation
We are expanding — relo­cation to Kaltenkirchen
GK Industries GmbH - Gekupack Verpackungstechnik in Kaltenkirchen

Due to the increased capacity require­ments, a change of loc­ation was abso­lutely necessary after the pro­duction site had already been changed twice before. The move and the relo­cation of the company headquarters took place on 01.01.2022.

Company profile

GK Indus­tries GmbH was founded in 1989 in Norderstedt near Hamburg as part of the Kum­mer­feldt group of com­panies and operated (until the turn of the mil­lennium) under the name Gekupack Ver­pack­ung­s­technik GmbH.

However, even before Gekupack Ver­pack­ung­stechik GmbH was founded as an inde­pendent mech­anical engin­eering company, the Gerhard Kum­mer­feldt Ger­ätebau GmbH pro­duced machine com­ponents, assem­blies and also com­plete pack­aging machines for well-known man­u­fac­turers of bird feed products in con­tract man­u­fac­turing, so that the globally active GK Indus­tries GmbH can today draw on decades of experience. 

The change of name res­ulted from the expansion of business activ­ities into other areas. Thus, the core com­petence is now no longer only in the area of bird food pro­duction and pack­aging, but extends over wide parts of the pack­aging industry. Since then, the registered brand Gekupack® is a fun­da­mental pillar of the innov­ative GK Indus­tries GmbH.

Thanks to the con­tinuous devel­opment and imple­ment­ation of new tech­no­logies, we are now able to offer our existing and pro­spective cus­tomers a wide range of innov­ative and effi­cient pack­aging machines for many areas. In close cooper­ation with our partners, we no longer just plan, man­u­facture and supply indi­vidual machines and com­ponents, but also design com­pre­hensive systems and com­plete pack­aging lines that are pre­cisely tailored to the indi­vidual needs of our customers.

The developed systems are man­u­fac­tured by us and installed and com­mis­sioned in the pro­duction facil­ities of our cus­tomers by us and cooper­ating com­panies. In the case of line pro­duction, smooth com­pat­ib­ility is also achieved for down­stream external com­ponents, such as state-of-the-art indus­trial robots from partner com­panies for autonomous pack­aging in card­board boxes, if necessary, via system and plant-side interfaces.

Since the start of business oper­a­tions over 30 years ago, we have been con­vincing in the areas of effi­ciency, quality and service and can look back on countless realised pro­jects, starting with small, manual hand-held devices through high-per­formance bag welding machines and tit dumpling presses to highly auto­mated pro­duction lines.

Our rela­tion­ships with cus­tomers do not end with the com­mis­sioning of a system, but extend over the entire product life cycle of our machines. On request, we carry out regular main­tenance on the imple­mented systems and, if necessary, we imme­di­ately go out on repair and main­tenance mis­sions. We can also overhaul systems that have been in oper­ation for a long time and adapt them to more modern systems by means of tech­nical extensions.

Overall, we thus not only ensure a long service life for the machines and thus smooth pro­duction for our cus­tomers, but also con­tribute to the con­ser­vation of resources in terms of envir­on­mental protection. 


Envir­on­mental pro­tection has been gaining in importance for years and presents the industry with many chal­lenges, which our cus­tomers and we can, however, per­ceive as an oppor­tunity at the same time. Our netting machines inher­ently offer the advantage of real­ising pack­aging without excessive use of material through the use of solid material (film). In addition, our ultra­sonic net sealing machines make it pos­sible to dis­pense with metal clips. Our net clipping machines, on the other hand, also open up the pos­sib­ility of using bio­de­gradable net pack­aging and the like made of non-weldable material, such as cellulose.

But it is not only our machines that are in line with the spirit of the times in terms of envir­on­mental pro­tection: at our new admin­is­tration and pro­duction site in Kal­ten­kirchen, not far from our pre­vious loc­ation, we have had an extensive photo­voltaic system installed so that we can also gradually make our own pro­duction sus­tainable by using renewable energies.

At our new pro­duction site, which we moved into towards the end of 2021, we now man­u­facture to our usual high quality standards and of course maintain a quality man­agement system cer­tified to DIN EN ISO 9001. The stra­tegic decision to build our own pro­duction facility has enabled us to sig­ni­fic­antly increase our capa­cities and offer our employees a modern environment.

Service port­folio

The most important products with which we cur­rently equip cus­tomers in a wide range of indus­tries worldwide include

  • Ultra­sonic net sealing machines
  • Semi-auto­matic mesh clipping and welding machines
  • Counting Machines
  • Special system
  • Transport and alloc­ation systems to com­plete the plants
  • Round-head and multi-head weigher for a wide range of applications,
  • Form fill and seal machines (tubular and single bag)
  • As well as all pro­duction machinery for the wild bird feed industry

This enables us to offer our cus­tomers high-per­formance, high-quality and durable machines that can cope with the age of advancing auto­mation and increasing envir­on­mental pro­tection require­ments. Solid mech­anical engin­eering, a high quality standard, exper­i­enced service tech­ni­cians and an extensive stock of spare parts guar­antee a high degree of avail­ab­ility of the Gekupack®-pack­aging machines. This, together with our con­stant efforts to provide cus­tomers with advice and support in all aspects of pack­aging, has led to the world­wirde excellent repu­tation of Gekupack® .


Snacks im Standbodenbeutel mit Zippverschluss Gekupack Beutelmaschine Einzelbeutelmaschine

A wide variety of pack­aging pro­jects can be realised with our machines and systems. Learn more about com­patible pack­aging types, such as net and bag types.


Anlagenbau: Konzeptionierung einer Verpackungsanlage mit Mehrkopfwaage, Einzelbeutelmaschine und Bühne von Gekupack GK Industries

For more than 30 years, we have been devel­oping and selling high-per­formance, high-quality indi­vidual machines as well as com­plete systems for a wide range of require­ments and cus­tomer-spe­cific needs.