Wide range of pack­aging solutions

With over 30 years of exper­ience in pack­aging tech­nology and a broad port­folio of ser­vices, we offer pack­aging solu­tions for diverse indus­tries such as the food and non-food indus­tries, including the pet food sector. We offer solu­tions for various pouch pack­aging and resource-saving net pack­aging and also machines for weighing and counting products in advance of the pack­aging process. Espe­cially for the wild bird feed industry, we provide various solu­tions from fat ball presses to netting machines for feeding sticks.

For many years, we have been ful­filling our cus­tomers’ wishes to jointly design com­plete pro­duction lines and plants and to support the planning with our know-how. We not only man­u­facture indi­vidual machines, but also design com­plete pro­duction lines and take care of all factors that need to be taken into account, such as planning com­pressed air con­nec­tions, coordin­ating other trades and imple­menting our systems.


Fat Ball Production Meisenknödel Herstellung Anlagenbau Verpackungsmaschine Presse Meisenknödelpresse Gekupack


Leistungsstarke Maschine für Beutelverpackungen


Ver­satile pack­aging options

With our machines and systems, the most diverse pack­aging pro­jects can be realised. Whether you want to use net pack­aging or pouch pack­aging, we have the right machines. We also offer cus­tomised solu­tions for the pro­duction of special mix­tures, such as cereal or nut mixes.

Net Pack­aging Machines

We are spe­cialists in the field of net pack­aging machines and use state-of-the-art ultra­sonic welding tech­nology so that no metal clips are necessary. Dif­ferent types of (sus­tainable, com­postable) netting are compatible.

Bagging Machines

Our machines can be com­bined with a wide variety of bag types in dif­ferent sizes — such as flat bags, zipped bags, stand-up pouches and tubular bags.

Machines for Wild Bird Feed Production

Our port­folio includes various solu­tions espe­cially for the pro­duction and pack­aging of bird food, such as fat balls in dif­ferent sizes, feeding sticks and grain mixtures.