Machines for Wild Bird Feed Production

One of our focal points is the devel­opment and pro­duction of machines for the wild bird feed industry. In this segment, we have become known under the Gekupack® brand and have developed into the leading supplier. 


For many years now, we have not only been sup­plying indi­vidual machines, but also carry out the con­ceptual design and imple­ment­ation of com­plete systems on request. For example, we are able to develop highly auto­mated pro­duction lines in cooper­ation with spe­cialised partners.

Fat Ball Production Meisenknödel Herstellung Anlagenbau Verpackungsmaschine Gekupack
Anlagenbau: Konzeptionierung einer Verpackungsanlage mit Mehrkopfwaage, Einzelbeutelmaschine und Bühne von Gekupack GK Industries

Our service portfolio

With over 30 years of exper­ience in the field of pack­aging tech­nology and a steadily increasing depth of product range, we are able to present cus­tomised solu­tions for a wide variety of pack­aging pro­cesses and products. 


Pro­duction lines consist of a mul­titude of dif­ferent com­ponents — scales and con­veyor belts, label printers and labelling machines as well as pack­aging machines, robots and much more. For a smooth pro­duction process, it is therefore of great importance that these ele­ments are optimally coordinated with each other.

From the idea to commissioning

We offer our cus­tomers not only indi­vidual machines, but also the pos­sib­ility of jointly car­rying out the con­ceptual design of com­plete systems. 


We take a hol­istic approach, taking into account the cir­cum­stances and indi­vidual cus­tomer require­ments. We support you in the planning and con­ceptual design of the pro­duction lines right through to commissioning.

Zeichnung GK Industries Gekupack
Fat Ball Production Meisenknödel Herstellung Anlagenbau Verpackungsmaschine Presse Meisenknödelpresse Gekupack

Plant Engin­eering

In cooper­ation with our spe­cialised business partners, we can thus realise highly auto­mated pack­aging systems and come ever closer to the ideal of unmanned factory.


Often, the space available does not permit the real­isation of extensive pro­duction lines, so that compact systems are required that optimally utilise the available space on the level as well as in height. And it is pre­cisely these require­ments that our plant engin­eering is geared towards.

Let us start a project together

The planning of pro­duction plants of any kind — but espe­cially in the field of pack­aging tech­nology — is enorm­ously resource-intensive and requires a com­pre­hensive tech­nical under­standing as well as planning skills, cre­ativity and experience.


If you are con­sid­ering the imple­ment­ation of our machines, please feel free to contact us and benefit from our know-how. For us, cus­tomer sat­is­faction is our top pri­ority, so it goes without saying that we focus on your wishes and needs.

Verpackungsanlage mit Mehrkopfwaage Gekupack

Are you inter­ested in our solu­tions? Then get in touch with us now.