Auger Filler

Auger fillers for the auto­mated dosing of powder up to 5 kg for the manual or fully auto­mated pack­aging process

More Inform­ation

The auger fillers are either con­trolled by a sep­arate PLC control system or integ­rated dir­ectly into the PLC control system of the pack­aging machine. A par­tic­u­larly high level of accuracy is achieved through pulse control of the servo motors. A smart inter­con­nection with special pack­aging machines with an integ­rated weight control allows an auto­matic self-cor­rection of the dosing to con­tinu­ously check and auto­mat­ically optimize the accuracy. 


Die Behälter der Sch­neckendo­sierung ver­fügen je nach Modell über ein Volumen von ca. 25 – 75 Liter, die Zufuhr wird auto­matisch durch einen gekop­pelten Sch­neck­en­för­derer realisiert. 


Auger fillers are used when it comes to dosing powdery products. Classic applic­ation examples are the pack­aging of protein powder (milk protein powder or whey protein powder, rice protein, whey isolate), rice flour, potato flour, meat meal or fish meal. 


The auger fillers can be used in semi-auto­matic oper­ation for manual filling or integ­rated into a fully auto­matic system.


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