Ultra­sonic Net Pack­aging Machines — Our solu­tions for your success

We have an extensive rep­er­toire of high-per­formance netting machines for various applic­a­tions. The product family of our netting machines is con­tinu­ously being expanded and optimised. For years, we have pre­dom­in­antly used a modern ultra­sonic tech­nology and have developed into the leading pro­viders in this field.

As early as 1994, GK Indus­tries GmbH man­u­fac­tured net sealing machines in which the mesh is welded by ultra­sound. It is no further additive (such as a wire clip) is necessary so that a species-pure mono-pack­aging can be ensured, which is very well recyc­lable. In addition to poly­ethylene, various bio-plastics, e.g. from maize or sugar cane, are also suitable as netting material. Feel free to contact us about your pack­aging project!

Ultra­sonic Net Sealing Machine GKV 6800

The GKV 6800 ultra­sonic net sealing machine is the most flexible ultra­sonic net pack­aging machine and is the top model in our series of ver­tical net pack­aging machines. The GKV 6800 is equipped with a pat­ented net take-off system, is 4‑times servo-con­trolled and is fea­tured with a more powerful ultra­sonic generator.

Ideal for onions, garlic, citrus, avo­cados, cheese snacks, massive chocolate products (balls, eggs), hollow chocolate figures, sausage snacks, wild bird food, etc.

Vertikale Ultraschall Netzschweißmaschine Netzverpackung ohne Clip Metallclip Drahtclip Gekupack

Ultra­sonic Net Sealing Machine GKV 6000

The ultra­sonic net pack­aging machine GKV 6000 is a pack­aging machine for lumpy goods in extruded nets reduced to the most essential func­tions. The GKV 6000 was spe­cially developed for the pack­aging of fat balls in standard size (approx. 80–90 g) and the cost-effi­cient pack­aging under extreme conditions. 

Ideal for fat balls / suet balls (wild bird food)

GKV 6000-4 Ultraschall Netzmaschine für Netzverpackungen ohne Metallclip

Ultra­sonic Net Sealing Machine GKV 6900

The GKV 6900 is our first hori­zontal pack­aging machine and enables a par­tic­u­larly gentle pack­aging process for sus­ceptible products such as courgettes.

Ideal for sens­itive products (e.g. zucchinis).

Horizontale Netzmaschine Ultraschall Netzschweißmaschine Netzverpackung ohne Clip Metallclip Drahtclip Gekupack

Auto­matic Tube Loader GKV 3300

The GKV 3300 has been developed for the auto­matic loading of extruded or knitted netting coming from the roll onto the netting tube.

Netzaufziehmaschine, TUbe Loader, Net Sleeving Machine, GKV 3130

Semi-Auto­matic Ultra­sonic Net Pack­gaing Machine GKV 6650

The GKV 6650 is a semi-auto­matic net sealer developed as a tab­letop machine. It is suitable for infre­quent pack­aging in pure net pack­aging without metal clip. Optionally, the GKV 6650 can be equipped with a mobile support frame, a thermal transfer printer and a label transport unit.

Halbautomatische Ultraschall Netzschweißmaschine GKV 6650

Semi Auto­matic Net Clipper GKV 2207 

The GKV 2207 is a semi-auto­matic net clipping machine for packing lumpy products in nets closed with wire clips. It is fea­turing the high-per­formance clip head from Gekupack®. The semi auto­matic device was developed for occa­sional pack­aging in smaller quantities.

Ideal for garlic, potatoes, onions and more.

Netzclipper manuell Netzclipautomat Netzclipmaschine Netzverpackung Gekupack

Clip Head for Wire Closure

The heart of every net clipper with wire closure is the clip head. It was developed by the Wick­er­sheim company, but Gekupack® has been the exclusive pro­ducer for many years. We are proud to be able to offer our cus­tomers the clip heads, which have been tried and tested thou­sands of times, in various designs in tested quality. You will find our clip head in machines of the brands Wick­er­sheim, Wickers, Atro, Saclark, Sala, Manter, Volmpack, Gil­len­kirch, Upmann and many more. 


Do you need spare parts or are you inter­ested in our clip head system? Then enquire dir­ectly with the man­u­fac­turer now.

Clipkopf Drahtclipper Netz Clipper Netzclipper Gekupack