Linear Weighers

Our port­folio of mul­tihead weighers is com­pleted by a range of linear weighers which, in con­trast to mul­tihead weighers, do not operate according to the com­bin­ation weighing prin­ciple, as each weigh hopper works as an inde­pendent weigher. This enables not only weighing of a single type of product, but also mixing of products from up to 4 dif­ferent com­ponents with indi­vidual dosing using only one weigher. Our linear scales are equipped with a large hopper and two-stage feeder pans, which convey the product from the storage hopper to the weighing hopper in a con­trolled manner by means of vibration. Due to the storage con­tainers, the linear weighers are not only suitable for fully auto­matic oper­ation in con­junction with a pack­aging machine, but also offer an ideal solution for semi-auto­matic filling with an out­standing price/performance principle.

Linearwaage, Rinnenwaage, linear weigher
Modell Präzision Standard 2/2.4L Standard 2/4L Standard 2/7.5L Standard 4/2.4L Standard 4/4L Standard 4/7.5L
Number of buckets
Bucket volume
0.25 l
2.4 l
4 l
2.4 l
4 l
7.5 l
Weighing range
10 — 100 g
≤ 5 kg
≤ 5 kg
≤ 10 kg
≤ 5 kg
≤ 5 kg
≤ 10 kg
± 0,1 — 1 g
± 1 — 3 g
± 1 — 3 g
± 1 — 5 g
± 1 — 3 g
± 1 — 3 g
± 1 — 5 g
≤ 60 wpm
≤ 30 wpm
≤ 30 wpm
≤ 30 wpm
≤ 40 wpm
≤ 40 wpm
≤ 40 wpm

The linear mul­tihead weighers are used for dosing dry granular products, such as sugar, salt, seeds, spices, coffee, beans, tea, rice, grated cheese, fla­vourings, gingili, nuts, dried fruit, feed, small pieces, pet food and other powders, small granules or pellets. The weighers are made of stainless steel and meet the require­ments for the food and feed industry.

The linear weighers are suitable for imple­ment­ation in a fully auto­matic line as well as for semi-auto­matic filling in com­bin­ation with a mobile Gsstell and foot switch for trig­gering the product discharge.


There are cur­rently no bro­chures or similar available for download for this product. Please contact us in case you would like more information.