Our solu­tions for the food industry

Do you want to auto­mat­ically count or weigh your product or simply package it? Then we have the right solu­tions for you. We have been active in the field of food pack­aging for decades and supply high-per­formance machines and systems for dosing or pack­aging to cus­tomers all over the world. The pos­sible applic­a­tions are extremely diverse — depending on the require­ments of your product and your desired pack­aging for the pack­aging process, we design the right system.

Knoblauch verpacken Netzmaschine Gekupack

Fruits & Vegetables

For many years, our systems have been used to portion and package fruits and veget­ables. Our solu­tions cover a wide range of products — for example, we enable our cus­tomers to realise net pack­aging for garlic, onions or lemons and man­darins. But also pouch pack­aging or counting pro­cesses for card­board pack­aging can be imple­mented with our systems. 


Whether it’s a net or a bag — pack­aging is often indis­pensable. Pack­aging not only pro­tects against external influ­ences and holds pack­aging units together, it also provides the basis for appealing mar­keting with its surface. So why do without pack­aging when you can also do it sus­tainably? With our machines, you can make your pack­aging more sustainable.

Con­fec­tionery & Snacks

Con­fec­tionery such as chocolate balls and chocolate eggs, sweets or other sweets and snacks can be auto­mat­ically dosed and packed in outer pack­aging with our machines. 


In addition to pure packaged goods, special mix­tures such as nut mix­tures con­sisting of several com­ponents with defined mixing ratios can of course also be produced.

Reis im Standbodenbeutel

Rice, Cheese & More

In addition to products in nets, such as por­tioned cheese or root veget­ables, our pack­aging systems are also used to pack goods in pouches where no net pack­aging is suitable. Further applic­ation examples are the weighing and pack­aging of rice vari­eties or nut mixtures.


Thanks to our decades of exper­ience, we are now in a pos­ition to design and install a suitable system for almost every product and every cus­tomer requirement. Whether powdery raw materials or granular products, shapeless goods and sticky, moist or deep-frozen goods — we have the right machines.