Pack­aging tech­nology for animal feed and pet food


Dry Food, Snacks & Mixes

Our machines and systems are used to package various feed­stuffs. In addition to small snacks and chew sticks or bones for pet use, pellets, insect food and much more can also be dosed and packaged. The pos­sible applic­a­tions are so diverse that they cannot be listed in their entirety here. In this way, moist to wet, sticky or frozen products can be packaged in addition to dry, shaped or shapeless products. 


The pro­duction of feed mix­tures with special mixing ratios can also be realised with our machines. Regardless of whether it’s smallest mix­tures in the low weight range or larger quant­ities in higher weight ranges — we offer the right machines for every project.

Chew sticks, cubes & frozen goods

In addition to small, uni­formly shaped dry products, our systems are also used for pack­aging irregular, large products. These include chew sticks and bones as well as cube-shaped products or moist frozen goods.



We not only supply indi­vidual machines, but also carry out the con­ceptual design and imple­ment­ation of com­plete systems on request. For example, we are able to develop highly auto­mated pro­duction lines in cooper­ation with spe­cialised partners. In doing so, we focus par­tic­u­larly strongly on your wishes and needs as well as the product-related require­ments. If you are inter­ested in pack­aging feed and are looking for a solution that is geared to your indi­vidual needs, then we are the right contact!

Petfood Hundefutter Snacks Tierfutter verpacken Gekupack

Granulat Pellets Tierfutter Partikel Schüttgut verpacken dosieren Verpackungsmaschine Gekupack